New Exhibit – Artist Talk – Book Release
“Raised on the Midways of Mid-America”
Annual Visits with a Carnival Family
Returning to the Minnesota State Fair 2017-2023

“Raised on the Midways of Mid-America”
I’m thrilled to share a behind-the-scenes look at lives we don’t usually see. This family travels eight months of the year; Dad is a Midway Supervisor and Mom homeschools the kids. As the kids enter their teen years, questions arise about their schooling, travel, and eventual career choices. I came to this project fascinated with this nomadic, dynamic lifestyle.
It led me to wonder about our dominant cultural beliefs: what does a ‘healthy’ or ‘normal’ childhood
look like? To my surprise, I realized that our upbringing had much more in common than I thought.
Pre-Opening/Artist Talk/Book Release/Meet the Fair Family!
Thursday, August 15, 7 PM
Saturday, August 17, 6-8
Exhibition Dates August 17-September 14, 2024
Please RSVP Here
Praxis Photo Arts Center in the Lab Gallery
North West corner of the parking lot on the East corner of 26TH S. E & 27TH Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55406, USA
Main Entrance: Entry is situated in the parking lot, adjacent to Ivy Arts Brown Stone (2637 27th Ave S)
About The Book
This documentary photo story is the curated collection of 7 years of visits with the Walden family when they returned every summer to work at the Minnesota State Fair.
They are a remarkable family.
I loved my time with them, and I think you will, too.
The book is 9” wide, 6” tall; 18” wide when opened.
70 pages of photos and ’short-copywriter’ text.
This book is for Fair aficionados, those who enjoy documentary photography and visual storytelling, and the curious.
It walks my talk: “The shortest distance between two people is a shared moment.”
The exhibit and book got noticed.
Click on the link below for my 3 minutes of WCCO News fame:
The artist talked. And talked….click below if you missed the Artist Talk.

Judged Acceptance
Minnesota State Fair
Fine Arts Exhibit, 2023

Artist Statement:
I’m not vegan. I’m not a vegetarian. I eat my share of corn dogs. And at the same time, I know that pigs are smarter than dogs and three year old children. I’m not preaching nor making a statement about the food choices one should make. I’m just sayin’.
And observing.
How To View:
The exhibit runs from August 24, 2023 through Labor Day, September 4, 2023, in the Fine Arts Building toward the north end of the Minnesota State Fair.
Please come see the amazing work of our fellow Minnesotan artists; they will expand your world; challenge your views; strengthen our connections; make you smile.
Thank You:
I’m honored, and lucky, as those of us who have entered this competition are keenly aware.
This is the largest juried show in Minnesota.
There are over 1200 photography entries; and approximately 90 are chosen. We don’t know the judge in advance of choosing which image to submit.
Some years you get in; some you don’t.
Thank you to judge Kristine Heykants – here is her criteria statement:
“I am looking for images that give witness to the breadth and depth of human experience in a way that is unexpected, with the desire to assemble a collection of images that represents photographic practice in Minnesota in 2023 in a holistic and inclusive way. Within the context of the State Fair where artists are limited to one entry, there is the added challenge of creating a statement or narrative in one image. I am excited to see pictures that make me want to learn more about the subject and the photographer.”
Thank you to the Minnesota State Fair Foundation,, for their vigorous support of this exhibit.
This is an organization worth supporting.
And thank you to all the artists who entered. We are hopefully making the world a little better place.
Yours in continued visual conversation,

Minnesota State Fair Fine Arts Exhibit, 2023
Please enjoy my view of this year’s Fair by clicking on the Facebook and Instagram links below.
All past Fair photos happily live at

An Eye for Architecture
Four Twin Cities Photographers and Their Instructor
Lisa Bond
Rosemary Davis
Debra Fisher Goldstein
Vincent King
Special Guest: Don F. Wong, Instructor
A Visual Sampling:
Come see the local sights through our eyes!

Artist Statement
From the State Fair to the State Capitol
I have always been drawn to – and energized by – our big, communal events, where we meet, merge, collide, and create a tapestry rich in human connection.
The same applies to our big communal buildings.
Blizzard/State Fair Coliseum
The structures we create house some of our closest moments of connection and of sharing; purposely designed through lines, light, portals, walkways, and gathering spots to promote and enhance our interactions and human experience.
We create our buildings, and they, in turn, create us.
So let us celebrate these feats of architecture, and the often unknown artists and builders who created them. We walk and work amidst their contributions, hopefully noticing that streaming ray of light where an artisan chose to put that window.
Minnesota State Capitol
The Show Details:
An Eye for Architecture
Four Twin Cities Photographers and Their Instructor
August 6 through August 20, 2022
Homewood Studio Gallery
Opening Reception – Saturday, August 6, 6pm to 9pm*
Gallery Talk – Tuesday, August 16, 6pm to 7:30pm,*
outdoor garden (weather permitting)
*We care about your health!
Masks required during the indoor portion of the above events.
I will be delighted to see guests outside for both events.
Due to covid concerns, we encourage people to visit the gallery during less busy hours.
The Gallery:
The gallery is open:
Tuesday 5-9pm (I will be available inside on Tuesday, 8/9)
Wednesday and Friday 1-6pm
Saturday 1-4pm
Convenient street parking is readily available.
Homewood Studio Gallery
2400 Plymouth Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55411
612 587-0230
The Architectural Photography Enthusiasts
Nearly a decade ago, Don Wong, an architectural photographer and former architect, offered a class at the Minneapolis Photo Center. The class was composed of adult photographers, all of whom shared an interest in buildings and structures.
When the class concluded, a number of students stayed connected and continued to make images of Twin City landmarks together, often in monthly field trips. Calling ourselves the Architectural Photography Enthusiasts, the group at one time consisted of 9 people (also including Jennifer Herz, Tom Hoben, Jon Wilbrecht, Charles Hezsely, and Sheryl Hess, in addition to the featured photographers). We worked together for several years. Even the Star Tribune took notice, with a feature article that is on display at our exhibit.
Covid times interrupted the group outings, but this long overdue show now offers a glimpse into some of our work, as the group resumes photographing together.
The Architectural Enthusiasts, 2016
Come enjoy a different look at the structures that surround us!
Yours in continued visual conversation,
Debra Fisher Goldstein – Gale Woods Farm, Minnetrista, MN, 2014
Narrowing Our Divide Through Visual Conversations
I don’t pretend to understand the complexities of issues surrounding our country’s southern border wall.
Being from the Midwest, this is not something I see everyday, or have grown accustomed to, as have the people who live on the southwest borders of the United States. I know the issues are complicated, and divisive.
But I do know that seeing our wall reinforced my mission to focus on the common bonds we share: our family….our children…our animals…and our fairs!!!
Because…who doesn’t love a fair!
This is why I am especially pleased to announce I am exhibiting my midwestern fair photography in the southwest town of Douglas, Arizona. The Studio 917 Gallery in Douglas is 9 blocks north of the border wall, and regularly hosts visitors from all directions. I am told that folks who live in this part of the country will enjoy – and relate to – the common themes of joy and connection I witness at the midwestern fairs that I know so well.
Perhaps some people from Agua Prieta, the sister city across the border, will come see the show. Folks go back and forth every day to share commerce, art, and community in these two towns.
The Show Details:
May 7 – May 29, 2022
Fridays 4-8
Saturday and Sunday 10-2
Studio 917
917 G Avenue
Douglas, Arizona
The show – and visual conversations – can be viewed online.
The Visual Conversations:
This ‘interactive’ exhibit invites the viewer to share their thoughts and feelings about the images on post-it notes, which are then placed on the walls. This makes the stickies part of the exhibit, and creates a visual ‘conversation’ of sorts.
The Gallery:
This unique gallery, built in 1906, is lovingly built and cared for by Allyson and Dale Armstrong. It is located in the heart of the Historic District of Douglas, now being revived from a past mining town to a growing arts and hospitality center. As their website proudly says: “It took three years of drawings, teamwork, skilled craftsmen, and pandemic persistence to bring Studio 917 to life.”
Read that remarkable story here:
Yours in continued visual conversation,

A Gift For The Fair Aficionado
The time felt right to create a book to help us stay connected with our fair traditions, to each other, and to joy.
Fifty percent of the proceeds went to 3 food banks that serve the food insecurity needs of every county in the state of Minnesota.
This was a limited edition printing which sold out, but I do have a few remaining Artist Proofs to offer.
This is a substantial book of 140 pages and 100 images, 11” wide when folded, and 17” wide when opened. That’s a lot of fair to enjoy!
It’s full color, printed on glossy paper stock. This book would make a lovely, and unique, artist-created gift. This collection is $50, plus tax if in MN + $9.00 s/h.
See some photos & request purchase info here
As I say, the shortest distance between two people is a shared moment.
Thank you all for your ongoing enthusiastic support.
May this book fill you with joy!
Fare thee well,

FAIR! The Photo Book – Celebrating Our Shared Connections
P.S. I am pleased to announce the image below – “Bubble Glee” – was accepted into the 2020 Minnesota State Fair Fine Arts Exhibit.
It is always an honor to be selected for this competition.

Bubble Glee
. . . . . . .

Debra Fisher Goldstein