Dipping Into The Sugar Of The Quintessential Fair Cookie Jar
The last night on the Midway slowed down to a trickle, with cloudy skies, the threat of storms, and a vendors looking for last chance customers. Brian, of St. Paul, played the rollerball game again and again, hoping to add to his cache of winnings for his waiting child – or his inner child. He was in the middle of his last try when the ferris wheel lights went dark; the understood sign to all employees that the Midway is closed. The music stopped, there was a silent beat – and then I heard engines starting up somewhere behind me in the dark. I had been warned to stay alert and out of the way, as the huge trailer trucks began squeezing into the spaces between concessions and rides. On went the hard hats and the safety shirts, as the staff who had already worked a long day shifted into high gear and worked through the early morning hours, their demolition ironically lit by the pulsating, still-breathing lights of their own rides. Boxes full of customer tickets were rushed to the back of the Midway for redemption:the ferris wheel medallion was removed. The workers moved fast; at least one ride needed to be ready for the opening of a Fair in Oklahoma in two days.
Bittersweet, I sighed, as I watched two tired workers steal a moment and dig into the sugar of the quintessential Fair cookie jar.
- For His Waiting Child, And His Inner Child
- Game Not On
- Ferris Wheel Lights Off Means Midway Closed
- Redemption
- Big Ride For A Big Ride
- …if one of those bottles should happen to fall…
- Benched
- The Lowering Of The Medallion
- Night Light
- Degreasing
- Just Because They’re Pretty
- The Quintessential Fair Cookie Jar
Good News Comes In Threes
Three very nice things happened yesterday. I got a call from the Minnesota State Fair Fine Arts Exhibit telling me that someone (thank you, dear someone) purchased my “Pinky Toes” piece; my Nuns photos was in the Mpls Star Tribune viewer photos (thanks, Eileen Schiebe Chanen for alerting me to submit), and a Midway Fair worker gave me a stuffed Stewie as a thanks for taking his photo and emailing it to him (which I would have done anyway.) He then wished me a great year. I held my Stewie on the bus ride home like he was the best gift ever. And I noticed every other adult was doing the same with their stuffies. :)
The Mad Hatters, The Mounted Patrol, and The Misters
- The Mad Hatters
- The Mounted Patrol
- The Chill Misters
- Not Quite
Janey Had A Little Lamb

Which followed her everywhere. Off lead. No leash. Says Chisago County High School senior Jane, “The week before the Fair, she didn’t listen to me at all. I think, once at the Fair, “Pepper” bonded with me as her Mother. She’s only 6 months.”
Pepper would occasionally get distracted, but Jane soon coaxed her onto the right path. Jane, who also shows dogs, says she wasn’t quite as pleased with how she did in “Sheep Showmanship” compared to her other competitions, and says she has more to learn. In my humble opinion: Her sheep walks without a leash – that’s plenty impressive for me!
Product Placement
Totally walking his talk, or the side of his truck’s talk, as he and his partner carried an endless number of 5-hour Energy displays bottles. He told me they’re not heavy. Only about 100 pounds.
Friend and Patron Thank You Party + Holiday Gift Sale
Work you have seen, new work you haven’t seen; come enjoy the views and let me thank YOU!
When It Rains, We Pour It On
When it rains, we cover our kids; cover our cookies; cover our prizes; cover ourselves; take cover – and check the map for the next stop.
Then we go out again and make a big splash.
I Don’t Care How You Sugar Coat It
I don’t care how you sugar coat it; if you put it on a stick; or if you dress it up all pastel pretty in the Butterfly Exhibit shop; I will not eat a bug.
(Although those from Southern California will remember the used car salesman Cal Worthington who promised, “I’ll eat a bug if you find a better deal.” He lived to 92.)
Feeling young at heart?
99 Bottles Of Beer On The Wall
Ready to throw a few down?
Drink too much and you’ll end up on the ‘drying out’ rack.
Just Another Day At The Fair
And I’m sure you saw even more of the same. Or different. The point is, there’s more.
To say the least.
- Friends. But Not Like The TV Show.
- Just Another Day At The Fair
- Spamelot Changes Shoes. But Not Outfit.
- Do I Have Your Attention Now?
- Family Portrait
- Prize-Winning Goat
- Still Life
- Not So Much A Still Life
A Tribute To Those Who Were So Cool Being Hot
- Hot Chick 1
- Hot Chick 2
- Hot Spot
- If The Kitchen’s Too Hot
- Hot Chocolate
- Warm Milk
- It Is What It Is
- Red Hot With Gray Accents
- One Cool Kid
- Smokin’ Hot
- Roast Being The Operative Word Here
- Too Much Information
Pink Is The New ‘Blue Is For Boys’
When the 4H winner coordinates her steer’s harness with her shirt, it’s cute.
When the Grandstand sound engineer coordinates his shoes, fan, and a rubber ducky, it’s, well, even cuter.
Walk With Me
- Joel, Faribault County
- Samantha & Brianna, Good Thunder County
- Sweet Kids Whose Names Couldn’t Hear Over The Spray, Houston County
Beyond The Stick Gets Blogified
This is where the 2013 BeyondTheStick State Fair photos can be tasted, savored, commented on, and shared.