Dipping Into The Sugar Of The Quintessential Fair Cookie Jar
The last night on the Midway slowed down to a trickle, with cloudy skies, the threat of storms, and a vendors looking for last chance customers. Brian, of St. Paul, played the rollerball game again and again, hoping to add to his cache of winnings for his waiting child – or his inner child. He was in the middle of his last try when the ferris wheel lights went dark; the understood sign to all employees that the Midway is closed. The music stopped, there was a silent beat – and then I heard engines starting up somewhere behind me in the dark. I had been warned to stay alert and out of the way, as the huge trailer trucks began squeezing into the spaces between concessions and rides. On went the hard hats and the safety shirts, as the staff who had already worked a long day shifted into high gear and worked through the early morning hours, their demolition ironically lit by the pulsating, still-breathing lights of their own rides. Boxes full of customer tickets were rushed to the back of the Midway for redemption:the ferris wheel medallion was removed. The workers moved fast; at least one ride needed to be ready for the opening of a Fair in Oklahoma in two days.
Bittersweet, I sighed, as I watched two tired workers steal a moment and dig into the sugar of the quintessential Fair cookie jar.
- For His Waiting Child, And His Inner Child
- Game Not On
- Ferris Wheel Lights Off Means Midway Closed
- Redemption
- Big Ride For A Big Ride
- …if one of those bottles should happen to fall…
- Benched
- The Lowering Of The Medallion
- Night Light
- Degreasing
- Just Because They’re Pretty
- The Quintessential Fair Cookie Jar
The Mad Hatters, The Mounted Patrol, and The Misters
- The Mad Hatters
- The Mounted Patrol
- The Chill Misters
- Not Quite
Our Great Midway!
Let’s spend a moment in our happy place.
This iconic Midway image was brought to you by short little me getting higher than my little legs like to go!
Available as a print on archival metallic paper, so you can be happy all year ’round.
Friend and Patron Thank You Party + Holiday Gift Sale
Work you have seen, new work you haven’t seen; come enjoy the views and let me thank YOU!
My View Of The Galaxy
When we make the annual trek to Machinery Hill at the Minnesota State Fair, Harvey turns down seats and calculates how many Great Pyrs will fit; kids watch TV in the mood-lit mega vans; and I look up to my happy place.
When It Rains, We Pour It On
When it rains, we cover our kids; cover our cookies; cover our prizes; cover ourselves; take cover – and check the map for the next stop.
Then we go out again and make a big splash.
Spin Art
Compliments of The Wellenflug. Translation:Wave Swinger.
History of this international amusement park Grande Dame: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wellenflug_(Fahrgeschäft)
Once again, spinning out of control at the Minnesota State Fair with www.BeyondTheStick.com.
Building The Crazy Mouse

Those of you who have followed my Fair photos know that I’ve spent a crazy amount of time admiring and photographing the construction and completion of the Crazy Mouse ride. This year is no different; the obsession remains, this year with a feline-like focus on the quickly changing shapes and patterns.
Water Colors
On the last day of the heat wave, on the last day of August, it poured. Minnesotans stayed and played. And so did I.
- Let’s Get Glowing!
- Undercover and Underwrap
- Staff Umbrella Policy
- A Drop In The Bucket
- The Aliens Chose St. Paul?
- The Rip Tide’s Revenge
Click on collage photos to see full images.
Just Another Day At The Fair
And I’m sure you saw even more of the same. Or different. The point is, there’s more.
To say the least.
- Friends. But Not Like The TV Show.
- Just Another Day At The Fair
- Spamelot Changes Shoes. But Not Outfit.
- Do I Have Your Attention Now?
- Family Portrait
- Prize-Winning Goat
- Still Life
- Not So Much A Still Life
Thank You Daddy For Winning This For Me
Ella, 8, shows us us to grab life with all you’ve got.
As Her World Turns
I’ll have what she’s having.
World’s Brightest Midways
How many lightbulbs does it take to draw in customers?
Showmen Supplies knows, as operator Jeff points to the Midway under construction: “We’re a rolling warehouse to keep all of that running.” Started 17 years ago by two brothers in a carnival-roving station wagon, Showmen’s, “We Light The World’s Brightest Midways” is now the giant semi full of bulbs, generators, boxes, cables and every replacement part a loud Midway could need, quietly tucked behind the scenes.
- You Must Be This Tall
- Behind The Scene
- Winner in Creative Arts/Electrical Parts
- “Wanna Earn 20 Bucks?”, He Asked Me.
- “We Light The World’s Brightest Midways”
- Fry By Night
- We Are Ready For You
Beyond The Stick Gets Blogified
This is where the 2013 BeyondTheStick State Fair photos can be tasted, savored, commented on, and shared.